Food vendor trading
Terms & Conditions

Revised January 2023

By accepting a placement in our Marketta you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions. Please take the time to read this carefully as rules and regulations are guided by this content.

At all times during set-up, trading, bump-out and food preparation - appropriate Australian ‘food safe’ compliant shoes, shirts, aprons and/or shorts/pants must be worn. At no times will sleeveless tank tops or ‘crop-tops’ that expose any part of the torso be permitted or allowed to be worn by any owners or staff in your food vending marquis when around food or during food preparation or trading/sales.

Setting up and packing up procedures are specific to each market which is agreed upon between the stall holder and venue management. Stallholders must unload vehicles then take the car out of the market precinct and park in the designated areas before setting up their stalls. Vehicles must drive slow at all times.  Lights on if dark. All stall holders are to check in with the Manager on arrival. All vendors must have their vehicles off site, out of the Laneway and parked in approved parking by no later than 4pm (16:00) on regular 5pm (17:00) trading days.

This is an all weather market and we operate irrespective of weather conditions unless deemed dangerous. Inclement weather is no excuse for non attendance. 

As a market stallholder you have an obligation to attend the market.  This is not only paramount to the success of the market but also supports fellow stallholders who trade and rely heavily on the market as a source of income.  

It is a stallholder's responsibility to ensure that their product is protected and that they have all the necessary equipment on hand to do so (i.e. gazebo sides, weights to secure gazebo etc). Management requires that all stallholders plan against adverse weather conditions such as rain, wind, cold and heat and ensures that appropriate safety and wet weather procedures are in place.  

Market Management shall not be liable for loss or damage to stock and/or equipment however caused.  

Stall fees are payable for each market.  An invoice will be sent out at the beginning of each week. Failure to pay site fees will result in the stall being cancelled and allocated to someone else.  Credits and/or refunds will not be issued for bad weather on market days.  Should a stallholder not be able to attend a market for whatever reason the market site fee must be paid whether the stallholder is in attendance or not.  It is not the responsibility of Market Management if for any reason a stallholder is unable to or does not wish to attend on market day.  In the event that the market is cancelled by Market Management, no fees apply. You are expected to attend all rostered markets. You are allowed two weeks per year to withdraw your stall in unforeseen circumstances. You will however still pay rent. You also need to communicate with management about your attendance and seek approval.


When you join the Miami team the food menus and pricing are to be respected and all items are to be approved before sale.

In the best interest of the market and as a courtesy to fellow traders, early departures will not be permitted.  Marquis are to remain erected until close of market trade.  In the event of a ‘sell out’, stallholders are to display a sign indicating that their goods are ‘sold out’ and marquees are to remain standing.  Cleaning and packing up is not allowed before close of the Market. It makes the Market appear to be closing to customers and is not fair to other traders. Consideration will be given to special circumstances and only by prior arrangement.  In the event that an early departure has been approved by Market Management, marquees and all equipment must be ‘walked’ out.  No vehicle access during market trade hours.

Our hours of operation on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday are always 5pm to 10pm. At no time are food vendors permitted to close their food stall before 10pm unless receiving permission from a senior manager at Miami Marketta.

Food vendors are permitted to begin closing their cooking equipment from 10pm but must be able to cook fresh menu items right up until 10pm every single night of trading- no exceptions

Stallholders and their staff must park vehicles where directed. Please ensure that you follow Market staff directives in regards to vehicle parking and/or restrictions.  Do not park on Avalon Parade or Hillcrest. It is very important that our customers have the ability to park in the closest adjacent streets so that they have the best opportunity to get to the market. This includes stallholders staff. 


All stock, goods and/or items must be packed up first.  Marquees to be dismantled and packed up last.  Site to be cleaned and all rubbish removed.  If there are any liquid spills, you are to clean it or you will be billed for us to clean it. Vehicles to enter Market grounds once the above have been done first.


Stallholders are responsible for the removal of all rubbish and must leave their site clean and clear of all debris. Big red Market bins are available for you to put your rubbish. Do not put your rubbish in the small blue bins. Please make sure you don’t overcrowd the bin so the lids do not shut. Make sure you break your cardboard boxes down flat.(penalties apply)


It is the stallholders obligation to ensure that all Council and Government guidelines and health regulations are met, that all appropriate licenses are obtained, that the setup of the stall meets all Council, health and safety requirements and that these obligations are met at all times and are adhered to.


The ‘DEPUTY’ Application on your device:
By accepting a coveted food vendor spot here at Marketta, you agree to comply with all communications between yourself & the Marketta management team being done via the Deputy app. As such it should be downloaded and familiarised with, by you and your team - from day one. (Email will not be a daily communication tool) This includes use of DEPUTY app for confirming your rostered attendance, accepting Corporate trading opportunities, staying across messages, group newsfeeds, venue directives, trading hours and changes and/or updates to your menu and pricing.

Any holidays, leave or interruptions in trading by your food stall business require notice of an intent to halt trading. (The more notice, the better) Simply open the Deputy application on your device and send a leave request. This is required by Marketta Management for approval as it affords us the ability to add a food vendor in your absence, when deemed necessary. Should it be a last-minute emergency situation, please immediately get in touch with us to minimise the impact on the Miami Marketta guests and your fellow food vendors. During any scheduled or unscheduled non attendance, all rent will be paid in full, in advance - however rubbish removal & electricity usage will be waived. We ask for your compliance and adherence to these important steps to ensure that we always have a full complement of food on offer for our valued patrons.

Some handy links for you below:
Specific licensing application information:

Operator education:

*Stalls which hand out samples of food/taste testing must ensure that they comply with Council and health regulations and that all required licences are in place. We do not allow sampling outside the stall, please stay in your stall. The liability to comply with all laws falls on the stallholder.  Market Management assumes no liability if stallholders do not comply with their legal obligations.

Packaged goods and the sale of whole products must be labelled as per legislative guidelines and requirements.

All stallholders are asked to assess their products and to ensure that quality goods are sold. It is in the best interest of our market to not sell poor quality products. As a seller/stallholder your goods must comply with Market Management criteria and set standards. Stallholders consistently breaching and failing to follow will be removed from the market without warning.

Stallholders set their prices under the guidance of market management. Prices cannot be changed. ALL changes must be passed by management before trading.  Management reserves the right to remove stallholders who cannot adhere to the guidelines.

Stallholder to supply own equipment and to ensure that they have everything required to operate - gazebo/s, weights/sandbags, table/s, chairs, cooking equipment etc.

For all vendors that hire storage space at Miami Marketta, by accepting the weekly fee, you automatically agree that all storage is at your own risk. At no time are valuables, food or drinks to be left onsite. Should any theft or damage occur to any of your belongings when in storage, Miami Marketta accepts no liability and no remuneration will be forthcoming. Again, by accepting storage, you automatically agree to these terms.


Please ensure that your site is well presented, tidy and safe at all times.  Tablecloths are to be used and signage promoting your stall and/or products is highly recommended.  Signs erected must not impede pedestrian flows, must not display any offensive material and must be clean and presentable. You should theme your stall creatively and professionally to attract customers. Your stall must be cleaned regularly from dust and grease. (This includes the roof canopy of your vendor tent - it must be cleaned quarterly - at a minimum)

Security of a stallholder's stock, produce, equipment, cash and personal effects are the responsibility of the stallholder. Should you at any time choose to rent storage space, either within Miami Marketta or in the Avalon Parade storage container (while every precaution is taken to prevent theft, damage or loss) by accepting a position in Miami Marketta, all storage is at your own risk regardless of amount paid per week for said storage.

With upwards of 20 Food Vendors all actively trading in the Laneway on any given Market Night, it is important to remember that at no time should your personal ‘stall’ music be heard outside of your stall by other food vendors, patrons or staff. Miami Marketta invests money each year into ‘free’ music at the Cargo Stage in the venue. It is this music and vibe that should always set the ambiance, not your personal music choice out of a mobile speaker inside your marquis turned up to attract business. Penalties will apply for Food Vendors who do not respect this important component to our Laneway vibe and tone. We do not want to hear your personal music, coming from your Food Stall in our Laneway workplace.

Stallholders are expected to act in a professional manner at all times. There must be a staff member within the tent at all times.

Market Public Liability does not cover stallholders and/or their products. It is the responsibility of all stallholders to ensure that they are insured for Public Liability, Personal Indemnity and Product Liability (where applicable) as required by law, that their stall area remains clean and safe to the public at all times and to ensure that their product meets statutory health requirements and in no way poses any health risks to the consumer. Proof of Insurance and licence is required to be supplied to venue management. Fire equipment is to be visual and updated by the fire dept.

The correct extinguisher and fire blanket must be present at all times and easy to access.


Irrespective of weather conditions, vendor tents must be weighted down, the laneway can get windy. 

Electricity will be provided to stallholders at an additional cost.  Requests for electricity usage must be applied for and are subject to approval and availability.  Limits to the number of power points allocated and amperage available applies.  Stallholders are to ensure that all power leads and/or electrical appliances used are safe and that they comply with Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) requirements and are tagged and tested in accordance with statutory guidelines.  Credits/refunds will not be given for any electrical supply issues. Applications over 15 amps will not be accepted.

Unless you are prepping, cooking or trading, no power is to ever be left on in your stall. If you are invited to stay set up, all food must be removed from your stall and all power must be disconnected to your stall. By accepting a position in Miami Marketta, by default, you agree to this important condition.

It is the stallholders responsibility to ensure that Market Management has current details on file & that contact numbers are current: mobile, email etc. All stall holders must download Deputy and familiarise themselves with this process. If training is needed, we will happily supply this.

Due to government health regulations smoking is not permitted in stalls or within the market area.  If you are a smoker, do so in the designated areas - see Market Management.


Due to government/Council health regulations dogs are not permitted in stalls or within the market area. Unless clearly marked service dog.

While on site at Miami Marketta, please be mindful of eating in your stall. It should only be done discreetly and away from our guest’s curious eyes. Never eat while preparing food, serving food or while facing our guest’s at the front of your stall. Every team member & stallholder is on display and all are representatives of the Marketta brand. As such, Queensland foodsafe regulations stipulate that hands must be washed immediately after you eat and BEFORE you serve or handle food. Vendors are not permitted to bring in their own alcohol of any kind into their stall at Miami Marketta.

Stallholders do not own their sites, obtain no rights to their sites, cannot transfer or sell their sites or otherwise deal with their sites. Market sites/stalls are hired strictly on a weekly basis.  Market Management reserves the right to cancel, alter or re-allocate sites to other stallholders. Stallholders may sell their business, Miami Marketta has no obligation to a new owner. Stallholders do not have the right to sell their ‘site’ at Miami Marketta. At no time, are stallholders during the sale of their business, permitted to advertise in any form of media that the sale of their business includes a ‘site’ at Miami Marketta.


No stallholder is guaranteed exclusivity for their product.

Market Management reserves the right to use stallholder images and/or photos which may contain images of the stallholder and/or their product for promotional purposes.

All ‘found’ items are to be handed in to Market Management.  Stallholders are to place members of the public who have ‘lost items’ in touch with Market Management.

Every business is to have a 1.2m x 1.8m Fire blanket, an appropriate fire extinguisher A/ B/ E for electrical fires and F for oil fires. All of this should be checked with your insurance company.

Market Management reserves the right to refuse entry to any person and/or trader or to refuse the sale of any item and/or product.   Market Management shall not be liable for the loss or damage to any vehicle, anything therein, or to any person from whatever cause arising and whether due to the negligence of the Market operator 

In fairness of diplomacy each stallholder is allocated a warning to rectify breaches, hereinafter the market operator reserves the right to remove the stallholder from the market without further negotiation. However, Miami Marketta has a 0 tolerance policy for any physical, verbal or perceived intimidation by any person working for or at Miami Marketta.

All vendors are required to bring a cash float for giving change. This is to accommodate guests at Miami Marketta that prefer to use cash to purchase their food as opposed to Square or Apple Pay, etc. 

Miami Marketta is unable to provide vendors with change for their float each day. It is agreed to, by accepting these Food Vendor Terms & Conditions, that you will be prepared to give change, prior to commencement of Night Market trading every time. A recommended float would be $300 in 20's, 10's, 5's and coins

Failure to the willingness to comply to all terms and conditions will see the vendor removed from the market place without notice.

Thank you for your continued compliance, professionalism and dedication to the Miami Marketta, it is sincerely appreciated